Phonotype – English

Phonotype © 2019 is a READSEARCH international master Reading Type & Typography masterproject of Walda Verbaenen (PXL MAD Faculty Hasselt – Belgium – Promotor: Prof. Dr. Ann Bessemans).,

This Masterproject tries to show a visual identity for a language according to its phonology, that is both functionally and aesthetically new. In addition to the role typography can have to visualize the identity of a language, this project also wants to identify the supporting function that typography can offer, experimentally and functionally. 

Our Western culture will develop more and more into a cultural mix. Communication is an essential part of integration.

Different languages have different pronunciations and thus different identities. 

One out of ten adults in Belgium has difficulties with reading or writing. Almost 20% of the refugees currently arriving in Belgium are illiterate.

Phonotype tries to offer a solution through Typedesign to overcome this problem. By making adjustments and additions within the visual structure of a typeface, language can develop a proper visual identity. 

Being able to learn a new language faster, and speak a language with the correct pronunciation, provides the opportunity for communication and can therefore be a bridge to faster integration.

Phonotype Is still in progress and was designed for this Masterproject as an experiment within Times New Roman. It will be soon setup into a new typeface for the testing phase.

PHD project Phonotype

UHAsselt and PXL MAD University (Readsearch) – Promotor Prof. Dr. Ann Bessemans

Starting: 1/03/2020

Phonotype will be tested within various target groups, such as Dutch education for foreign people (adults and children) and within speech therapy (dyslexia).

The Dutch language will be the starting phase, other languages will follow.

Are you interested in participating in this study or do you want to have more information? You can register via this link.